
  • Author
  • July 29, 2021 at 3:10 am #3950

    Welcome to Junbi Prep’s forum! As this site is brand new, don’t be surprised if you see very few posts in here. Please feel free to start a thread with any LSAT related questions (law school admissions questions are fine too!). Dee or myself (Evan) will be happy to answer. Anyone can register for the forum and ask questions whether you have enrolled in a course or not.

    Since we are new course, I figure people might be especially curious about us and where the lessons came from, about our background in LSAT preparation, etc. People might also be wondering why this course is so much less expensive than other options. Some quick answers:

    My name is Evan Jones and I graduated from University of Chicago Law School in 2012. Before law school, I taught for a large LSAT prep company, and I remained interested in helping people with the test even after law school. With spare time, a classmate and I started a blog for free LSAT prep advice (which I’m now unaffiliated with).

    Along the way, we started running a mastermind group for LSAT students, at which point I began developing lessons for the group. Over a number of years this grew into hundreds of lessons, many of which now form the core of the Junbi LSAT course you see on this site. Before releasing the course, however, my classmate and I chose to part ways as we were each more focused on other projects.

    Lately, however, with my main gig of Japanese translation being somewhat slack due to Covid-19, I’ve spent a great deal of time fixing up old lessons, creating new ones, and collating them into an interactive online course.

    It’s so inexpensive because it grew organically over years rather than being produced by a large preparation company, with most of the lessons written by myself. That said, I think it is more comprehensive, and indeed contains more actual teaching material, than even the top LSAT prep companies’ courses.

    Now I’ve also brought on a former student of mine, Dee Griffin (who did even better on the LSAT than I did and also has several years of LSAT teaching experience) to help with further developing the highest value prep resource available.  We hope to provide the very best LSAT instruction at a price that is accessible to absolutely everyone, thereby helping to level the playing field for entrance to top law schools.

    While it will require a lot more effort than other courses do to get the most out of it, this course truly teaches you how LSAT questions work. My goal is to give you the exact same understanding of logic that the makers of the test employ when creating the questions. As such, you basically will learn everything you would learn in an intro to logic course that a Philosophy major might take (I went through this myself, and it helped me a great deal on the LSAT), as well as a whole lot more tailored specifically to test itself.

    We are hoping that by providing a very high-quality resource at a great value, everyone taking the test will use it regardless of whether they have tried anything (or everything) else.

    Even if you have been very satisfied with your other resources, we encourage you to take a look at our material, particularly the LR course. It’s a very different way of approaching the LSAT that other prep companies have decided not to do because, frankly, they don’t think students want to put the effort in to gain this level of understanding in logic.

    They are correct that you can make major strides on the LSAT through having a basic understanding of what the questions ask for and subsequent practice. However, there is really something qualitatively different about gaining a real facility with logic that will bring your confidence, speed, and accuracy (and test scores) to a new level. I’ve seen from feedback with the hundreds of students that I’ve worked with before that it made a huge difference for them, and I’m happy to bring it to you all in a new, sleeker format.

    Again, welcome. I’m personally very excited about working with you all and continuing to refine the course.

    Please feel free to fire away with questions!

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